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What Is the Relationship Between Recalls and Class Action Lawsuits?

By The Kalfayan Law Firm |

Recalls and class actions go hand in hand. You’ve likely heard the term “recall lawsuit” in connection with defective cars, toys, medical products, and other items. Below, we explain just how recalls and class actions are related. If you’ve been harmed by a defective product, false advertising, or other unlawful practices, call a California… Read More »

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Choosing the Right San Diego Personal Injury Lawyer: A Step-by-Step Guide

By The Kalfayan Law Firm |

Suffering a personal injury due to someone else’s negligence calls for hiring a skilled personal injury attorney. Common cases include motor vehicle accidents, bicycle accidents, bus accidents, dog bites, and slip and falls. A qualified attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Don’t settle for just any personal injury… Read More »

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Why Some Class Actions Do Not Get Certified

By The Kalfayan Law Firm |

Class actions are more complex than typical lawsuits. They require adherence to special rules and procedures, and they are better suited for certain types of claims. Failing to satisfy these requirements can lead to a denial of class certification which immediately leads to the case being dismissed. Below, we discuss some of the most… Read More »

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Legal office of lawyers, justice and law concept : Judge's gavel or hammer and base used by a judge person on a desk in a courtroom with blurred weight scale of justice, bookshelf, hourglass behind.

What Are the Class Action Requirements?

By The Kalfayan Law Firm |

Class actions are designed for situations in which a lot of individual people have similar claims against a single defendant. Each individual claim might not be worth pursuing as its own lawsuit, but together, the plaintiffs can work to hold the defendant accountable and recover at least some of what they lost due to… Read More »

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Business concept. On a white surface, cubes, dollars, a pen and a notepad with the inscription - Minimum Advertized Price

Does Minimum Advertised Price Violate Antitrust Laws?

By The Kalfayan Law Firm |

Manufacturers or suppliers sell or license products to distributors, who in turn sell products to consumers. As part of a distribution agreement, manufacturers can require distributors to adhere to certain policies and practices. These requirements may serve to protect the company’s brand image–certain products cannot be marketed in certain ways, such as selling kids’… Read More »

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consumer protection

Tying the Sales of Two Products: Do Antitrust Laws Prohibit This?

By The Kalfayan Law Firm |

If you go to the pharmacy to buy some Nyquil, you might see it packaged with Dayquil as well. If you go to buy a household cleaning product, you might find it packaged together with a scrubbing sponge. Packages like these might be a convenience and cost savings to the consumer, but what if… Read More »

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Why Hire a Class Action Lawyer

By The Kalfayan Law Firm |

Sometimes, companies take advantage of you and con you out of your hard-earned money. You spend $15 on a toy for your child that breaks immediately. You pay extra for a product that says “Made in France” when, in reality, it was made in New Jersey. You find out that the “healthy” food you’ve… Read More »

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california supreme court

Willis Class’s CA Supreme Court Petition for Review

By The Kalfayan Law Firm |

When there is not enough water in a Basin to go around, should California landowners who have yet to develop their land lose their right to groundwater to other landowners who are actively pumping groundwater? Or should all landowners’ property rights be accommodated, whether they commenced pumping water or not? Upending over a century… Read More »

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An Abject Failure of Justice

By The Kalfayan Law Firm |

The California Court of Appeal Rewrites California Groundwater Law In its latest groundwater decision, the California Court of Appeal set ground-breaking precedent by finding landowners who have yet to exercise their right to pump groundwater have a lower priority than those who have pumped groundwater, including other landowners and appropriating public water suppliers, in… Read More »

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Oral Arguments on Willis Class Appeal

By The Kalfayan Law Firm |

Antelope Valley Groundwater Case Oral Arguments on Willis Class Appeal Heard on February 17, 2021 On February 17, 2021, the Court of Appeal Fifth District heard oral arguments regarding the Willis Class appeal of the 2015 Judgment and Physical Solution. The matter was heard before a panel comprised of Justice Pena, Justice Snauffer, and… Read More »

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